Top 5 Ways To Support Your Favorite Streamer

Great! You've found someone you really enjoy watching whether it is Twitch, Beam, Hitbox, Youtube Gaming, or any other video content sharing site. This person is so fantastic, you want to support them in any way possible, but how can you do this?

Well, I am hoping to help you. I am going to give some pretty basic tips on how to support your favorite streamer, no matter what platform you are on but all of these tips will be helpful for Twitch (which happens to be the platform that I stream on).

So let's get to it!

Top 5 Ways to Support Your Favorite Streamer

1. Follow Them and Make Sure Notifications Are On.

If you are low on funds but you want to make sure to support your favorite streamer, the easiest and cheapest way to do this is to create an account on the platform that they are streaming from and drop their channel a follow. Make sure the notification slider is clicked on! This will notify you whenever your favorite streamer goes live so you can catch the beginning of their stream.

2. Support Them By Subscribing To Them On Twitch or Any Other Site.

You have some disposable income to send their way as a token of your gratitude and appreciation for the content they create to entertain you. The best way to do this is to subscribe to them on Twitch, GameWisp, Patreon, or any other form of subscription base before donating money through paypal. This somewhat seemingly little act is huge for the livestreamer you are supporting. This tells the company (Twitch, Beam, Hitbox, or where ever) that this livestreamer is valuable. This makes the livestreamer look good not only to their community, but to the company that is in a partnership with them, and with any possible sponsors that may be looking to sponsor them. Consider doing this first before donating to them, or do both!

3. Lurk in Their Channels.

Once your streamer goes live, make sure you have a tab open in your browser at their channel. This gives the streamer a view and allows them to climb higher in the game directory so they have a better chance of visibility to prospective viewers. You can mute the stream or you can listen to them in the background (which is what I personally do. I like the "white noise").

4. Tell Your Friends About Them.

I like telling my friends about fun streamers that I have seen. My friends are naturally curious as they don't quite follow the "streaming scene" but they really enjoy some of the people I have recommended to them. I have quite a few friends and followers on my social media outlets that I update. Every update is free advertisement for my favorite streamer and gets them possible new viewers.

5. Mention Them On Social Media! 

Social media is such a powerful tool for streamers. Twitter is especially powerful for streamers. The more you mention your favorite streamers or share their funny videos or content, the more exposure they have. Tweet them out or better yet retweet their tweets of going live. You never know who you might reach with your messages. This is all great exposure for your favorite broadcaster.

There are many different ways you can support your favorite broadcaster. This is just 5 very simple ways that you can do so and 4 of them are totally free! One of the best ways to help your favorite streamer (or broadcaster) is to get others involved through spreading word of mouth. You are the most important tool they have!

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